Ductless Heat Pumps

One of the problems that homeowners of older houses face is upgrading their heating and cooling systems. Often times, there is no room to add ductwork. Ductless Heat Pumps solve the problem! Have an existing system, but struggle with rooms that are too hot or too cold? Adding on to your house and need a heating and cooling system just for the addition? Ductless Heat Pumps are a great option. With Ductless Heat Pumps, there is one small outdoor unit, and a small indoor unit for each room being served. They are highly efficent and there are a lot of different models to choose from, many of which are EnergyStar qualified. The indoor units can be mounted anywhere from the floor to the ceiling, and even recessed into the ceiling so there is no visible indoor unit. Each room, or “zone” operates independently of each other. This gives you the freedom to choose the temperature of each individual room, that will make you the most comfortable. This also helps conserve energy and can result in lower utility bills, as you are not paying to heat or cool the spaces that you are not using. Apollo Heating & Air Conditioning has trained technicians that can install and service Ductless Heat Pump systems. If you would like more information about Ductless Heat Pumps, or to schedule a free in home estimate for a new or replacement system, please call Apollo Heating & Air Conditioning (509)987-1500.

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