How Long Does Your Average Furnace Last?

furnace repair hvac

Nothing in life lasts forever. As a homeowner, you want the high-ticket items in your house to last as long as possible. It is necessary when you spend a large chunk of cash on something, you get your money’s worth, both in the longevity of use and prime functionality. So, what can you expect from your HVAC furnace? How many years will your new system run? Read on for tips to maintain your unit’s peak performance throughout its lifetime.  

furnace expertsExpected Lifetime of an HVAC Furnace System

The biggest question when buying an HVAC is, “how long will it last?” This is important to know as you are making a significant monetary investment. In most climates, a furnace is essential for survival throughout the winter – it needs to be reliable for years. However, the answer may not be as straightforward as the question seems, as many variables can affect the lifetime of your system. 

Average Range for a Furnace’s Lifetime

The average expected lifetime of a standard gas furnace is between 15-30 years. In some cases, HVACs have lasted up to forty years. This may seem like a wide range, but the most significant element you can change to help your system last is regular yearly unit maintenance. This will easily send your HVAC well over the fifteen-year mark and into the upper end of this average range. 

Purchasing, Installing, & Maintaining Your Furnace

Shopping for a furnace can seem overwhelming because most people aren’t home heating experts. Here are some variables that will affect your system’s longevity. 

  • The System Itself

Make and model matter when selecting a furnace. Newer systems are made with updated technology and tend to have a longer average lifetime than their older counterparts.  

  • Ventilation

Moisture levels in your furnace room can affect the longevity of your unit. If the room is too humid, the heater components start to rust, which results in shortened lifespan and potential breakdowns. The moisture harms your heat exchanger, making it vital to have a properly ventilated area for your system. 

  • Installation

Proper installation is a crucial element of furnace longevity. Improper installation can decrease a unit’s efficiency by up to thirty percent. This can also lead to breakdowns, inadequate air distribution, and insufficient dehumidification. As over half of new systems are installed incorrectly, you must choose a reliable, experienced professional for your initial installation. 

  • Maintenance

Frequent evaluation and maintenance are essential for lengthening your furnace’s lifespan. To keep your unit clean and efficient as well as your home safe, dehumidified, and warm, yearly inspections are crucial. Similar to your annual check-up, your heating system needs a yearly wellness appointment. Licensed, professional HVAC companies inspect and clean your system. These check-ups are also excellent for catching minor problems before they escalate. 

furnace repair hvacTo Repair or to Replace an HVAC Unit? 

It is challenging to say whether you should repair or replace your furnace, as each system is affected by different variables and conditions. If you’re considering either of these options, the best thing to do is contact an experienced professional like Apollo Heating and Air Conditioning for an evaluation. 

Units over 15 years old are more likely to need to be replaced. Homeowners experience considerable savings in the long run by replacing older, dated systems with more efficient new units. You can save money on the neverending repair costs of an older machine, and newer ones have lower operating and fuel costs. 

Upgrading your older unit to a high-efficiency HVAC   system is key. Installing a unit with an annual fuel utilization efficiency rating at the 90th percentile or above can save you money and leave your home feeling cozy. A good rule of thumb is this – if the repair costs of your old machine are greater than 50% of the price of the replacement, it is time to upgrade!

How to Extend Your System’s Lifespan

Do you wish to extend the lifetime of your furnace? Here are a few things you can do to give your unit the best shot. 

  • Get an Annual Tune-Up

Professional system checks are crucial. Ideally, this should be completed twice a year in spring and autumn, or annually at the minimum. A professional ensures each part is operating correctly and that there are no abnormal signs of wear and tear or rust. Frequent system maintenance can help keep your machine running longer than an unmaintained system.  

  • Always Purchase a Quality Unit

You get what you pay for. If you buy a high-quality unit, your system will last far longer than a budget choice. Working with a professional can help you decide which unit suits your needs the best.  

  • Try to Use the Unit Less

If you live in a colder climate, you may need to use your heating system constantly in the winter months. This high demand can strain this system, which causes faster wear and a shortened life. These units should be maintained frequently to prevent exhaustion.

  • Clean Your Filters Regularly

When a system is in high use, filters must be changed monthly. A clean filter opens up the airflow and prevents overheating and damage to the unit, keeping your machine happier and healthier for longer.

  • Control the Humidity Around the Unit

Humidity is the primary cause of rust inside your unit. Ensuring your furnace room and home are low in humidity can help mitigate potential damage to your system. 

furnace lifetime

How Apollo Heating and Air Can Help

If you have furnace issues or believe it is time for a system check, reach out to us at Apollo Heating and Air Conditioning. We are experts in our field and provide a range of HVAC services, including inspections, repairs, and installations. Our years of experience help us evaluate your system’s condition and make the best recommendation for your budget and home. Call or visit our website to schedule an inspection to double-check your furnace unit’s well-being today

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