What Are The Different Types of Furnaces?

couple examines the different furnace types

Different Furnace Types

If you are like many of us, you are beginning to think about the cold, blustery days of winter lying ahead in the Tri-Cities. Just as we relied heavily on our A/C units to get us through the desert heat of summer, we will have our furnaces ready to warm our homes and offices when we experience frigid temperatures during the upcoming winter season.

Furnaces are the most popular choice for home heating because of their high efficiency, low operating noise, compatibility, and their long lifespans. Furnaces also are very adaptable as they fit in almost any type of home.

In order to truly understand which furnace will be right for your home, we are presenting the different types of furnaces that are installed in homes and in offices.

Types of Furnaces

Standard Gas Furnaces
This furnace type is considered an economical option for keeping your home warm and comfortable. In fact, many homes in the U.S. operate gas furnaces. Cities distribute gas through buried pipelines to homes of all types. When the natural gas reaches a home, it jets along the furnace’s burner to ignite fuel. That increases the air temperature in the heat exchanger with warm air being distributed throughout your home’s air duct system.

Because natural gas is a reliable form of heat and very efficient, fuel costs stay comparatively low. In fact, high-efficiency natural gas furnaces can achieve an efficiency rating of up to
97 percent, according to Consumer Reports.

Oil Furnaces

Oil furnaces tend to be more predominant in rural communities where natural gas lines are not available. Homeowners purchase tanks of oil to store. They then replace the tanks as usage dictates.

Oil furnaces are generally quite economical and have lifespans significantly longer than gas furnaces, as long as they are properly maintained. The one downside of oil furnaces is that oil prices tend to fluctuate quite often, which means that energy prices can be unpredictable.

Oil furnaces do require extensive maintenance. Homeowners tend to the ongoing cleaning of soot and ash buildup so the furnace continues to operate efficiently. These furnaces are known to be not as efficient as their gas counterparts.

Electric Furnaces

Homeowners who lack gas lines to their residences, will opt for electric furnaces. These furnaces utilize electric heating elements to heat the surrounding air.

You will find electric furnaces to be quite affordable and usually smaller than other types of furnaces, making them easy to fit into most spaces. Like oil furnaces, electric furnaces do not operate as efficiently as gas furnaces.

Look to Apollo Heating and Air Conditioning for Expert Furnace Installs & Maintenance

Are you wondering which heating unit to buy? Maybe you’re not sure which heating system is right for your home.

Then let the talented technicians at Apollo guide you through the process to make sure you are absolutely satisfied that you have the perfect unit for your house.

Apollo is also the Northwest leading provider for heating services for building and business owners. Our specialized design/build approach to working with contractors ensures that the specific indoor environmental needs of your workplace are taken into consideration — from design through completion of your building.

Learn more by contacting Apollo Heating and Air Conditioning! Call us at (509) 396-COLD (2653).

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